Here you will find over 640 scenes featuring shemales getting down and dirty with guys, girls and on their own. Content is hardcore and can be streamed or downloaded in a variety of formats and qualities from mobile friendly 240p all the way up to 1080p HD. The site is constantly growing so fresh content is always on hand.
Membership includes
Big collection of Shemale porn with many bonuses
On the hunt for the best shemales around? Then you want to see the site that is Shemale Idol. You can access it now with our discounted passes at only $9.95 per month or even less if you go for the full-term, annual membership (where it works out the same as only $5.25 per month). The deals are good and save you loads of cash, and they also let you into the whole network from Evil Angel with over 20 sites, some of them being Tgirl themed.
So, the deals are good but what's the site? Well, Shemale Idol isn't actually like a TV show as the name might suggest, its simply full of shemales that you're going to idolize. There's no other great theme, apart from hardcore sex and this is well produced and presented and each scene does indeed have at least one dick-chick involved, often there are two. There is a good mix of action as well, with Tgirls fucking guys and guys fucking Tgirls and then the shemales fucking each other, stroking off and shooting their loads over their own tits, just as you would expect and want from a top shemale site.
There are also some ladyboys in the site which mixes things up a little; ladyboys being younger and often Asian but just as up for hot hardcore as the older, USA shemales. This all adds up to some nice variety in the action. It's all easy to find as well, with a list of sites on the left of your page and when clicked, Shemale Idol content appears in the main frame, stage centre. From there you have good sized sample shots to lead you and you'll have no trouble with navigation.
There are also loads of movies and updates are still happening so the site gets bigger and bigger. Expect at least 645 movies, some of which are taken from DVDs and other places, such as 'Shemale Road Trip', so they are not 100% exclusive, while others are. They are good quality though and you have streams and downloads in Mp4 right up to 1,920 x 1,080 HD, with other viewing options also available for mobiles and such like. There are WMV files at 720 x 400 as well. You'll find over 500 image sets that you can collect and easily browse, there are zip files to take of full sets, and images are up at 1,600 x 1,200 in size and look great.
So, you have the good prices, the hot videos and the galleries, what else? Well, apart from some nice interactive options and a model index, updates to the network and news, you also have over 20 other sites to check out. Most of these are straight sex themed but you do have She Plays With Her Cock and I Love Black Shemales, TS Playground and the strap-on site Strap Attackers, so there is loads more hardcore shemale action to see in your bonuses.
Shemale fans will idolize Shemale Idol, that's what it's there for, but the best things about the membership for me are not only the hot shemales who appear, but the access to the bonus sites with more Tgirl action, and the amazing discounted membership which can be as low as $5.25 per month (equivalent) on our annual sign-up. That's not a lot of money for a huge amount of shemale porn.
Shemale Idol is also included with the Buttman deal as a bonus site with 24 other porn sites:
Buttman offers yearly subscriptions for only $9.95 (67% discount). Get this deal today and save up to $20 a month.
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