Get the best discounts on adult porn sites daily features top porn models like Gianna Dor, Jia Lissa and Kira Noir in hardcore anal sex movies that are now shown in 4K HD. The content and site are produced by the same team that brings us other award-winning sites like Blacked and Vixen and is the company's premium anal site, currently holding over 480 exclusive movies. Tushy started in 2015 and is now known for its big-budget productions, with the team ensuring high-quality anal movies shot on the best cams and using top star names in the cast.

As soon as you hit the tour pages at Tushy, you can see what you are going to find in the members' area; it's a very honest tour image-wise, but doesn't give much detail in words. The tour promises are mainly visuals, with hot, lithe young girls being anally banged by large cocks both black and white, some double penetration scenes, and movies shot indoors and outside. You can also see some of the models, what's coming soon, and a banner tells you that Tushy has been featured in publications ranging from the New York Post to Forbes magazine. It has a great reputation and presents itself proudly on its image-rich tour, but the question remains, what exactly do you get in return for your membership?

You'll find our full review of Tushy here including details of how you can access the site with a discounted membership, while below, there are details about what makes up the members' area.

Tushy Tour Promises

As I've said, the Tushy tour is mainly visual, but it does go further than some other adult site tours. For a start, you can click to the videos and see the long category list and number of movies per category. You can see what the video pages look like and the download options that are on offer, but you can't stream even trailers without first signing up. Similarly, you can examine the basic model index and see who appears in the videos and find out a little about them.

Another thing to note before examining the tour promises Vs the members' area is that you can sign up for Tushy as a solo site, or take a seven-site bundle membership (also at a discount), and gain access to Tushy, Blacked, Tushy Raw, Deeper and three other sites from the same company.

List of promises

Tushy doesn't actually list any promises in the way other sites do; they simply give you photos. They show us models, categories and the video index pages, but no other details, so we'll have to handle this examination differently. I can tell you that the content samples and models you see on the tour pages are exactly what you find in the members' area, and so are the download options, categories and other details such as upload dates. Here, however, are the full specs details of what the members' area holds.

Inside the Tushy Members Area


Average 50 minutes each.
Hardcore anal, interracial, DP.
File typeMp4
Top resolution4K HD at 3,840 x 2,160
StreamingYes, up to 4K
270, 360, 480, 720, 1,080, 4K
Download managerShould work, up to 8 at a time.
Download limit per weekYes, 25 videos only
Download speed6Mb/sec (on fiber optic internet)
File sizeUp to 6Gb
Exclusive contentYes


Average per set80 images
Image sizes3,000 x 2,000 px
Zip filesYes
Single pic savingYes
Jpeg size500 Kb
Zip file size2 Mb


Number300 +
Aged 18 to 30, mainly from the USA
Diverse ethnicity, slim, porn star types
Monthly updatesupdates
Navigation and LayoutGood.
Search FunctionsYes, plus category lists
Filter by niche, popularity, upload dates
InteractionRates, comments add to favourites
Mobile friendlyYes
StoreTushy links to its own clothing store
RokuNot any longer
Customer supportVixen Support

Tushy Loyalty program

As an added attraction, at Tushy, the longer you stay the more reward points, 'gems' you get. You receive 10 every Friday and use them to unlock new scenes from other channels, so, the longer you stay, the more porn gets included in your membership. This reward scheme runs even with our discounted membership options.

Membership Cost and Sign-up

Now to the nitty-gritty. How much will it cost you to access this classic anal site that stars some of the top names in the adult industry in movies directed by some of the best directors? A lot? No, not necessarily.

Tushy memberships are usually sold at $original_price per month, with standard-rate, longer-term options also available, but we have a range of sign-up options for you, listed below. Before you get there, though, there are a couple of things to note about the sign-up.

  1. Trial offers are often limited access, and reviewers report that the Tushy trial is indeed limited access. Although the trial price is only $trial_price for two days, it will recur at $34.95 per month if you don't cancel it in time.
  2. 'Monthly' often means 30 days, and recurring billing may not always be on the same day of the month.

Also, there is a pre-selected addition to your membership on the payment page. It's at the top and in grey, so look out for it. It's set to give you access to for $0.00 for three days, a membership that will then recur at $34.95 every 30 days. If you don't want that additional membership, you need to click on the box and change the text to 'No special offer.'

We are currently offering Tushy memberships at the following rates:

  • Discount monthly: $monthly_price
  • Original monthly: $original_price
  • Yearly Price: $yearly_price (Best Value)
  • Trial Price: $trial_price


To access at a discount worth up to 51% off the membership price, use the link below:

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