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Casting Couch X offers a one day trial option on their join page. What do you get with this trial membership? Lets break it down:

If you take the Casting Couch X trial for $1.12, you will get limited access to the sites members area. This means that you will get a small selection of videos to watch. This is a good option if you just want to see what is on offer in the members area, and get a taste of what is on offer. 

Content on Casting Couch X is awesome quality, and with the trial you will get to sample just how good porn can be. Videos are 1080p HD, with awesome production values and stunning models appearing in all exclusive, high quality porn. With the trial membership you will also be able to check out the high quality picture sets that accompany each of the movies. Like I stated earlier, you won't be able to watch all the content here, but you will be able to naviagate around and see a listing of every video that a full member can access, as well as a list of the hot models appearing on this site. 

One negative with taking the trial is the fact that if you don't cancel, your membership to Casting Couch X will automatically rebill at the monthly rate of $39.94 USD every 30 days until cancelled. The fact that we have 66% discount for Casting Couch X membership that will get you ongoing membership for only $9.95 a month, with full access to all the content, means that you may well be better of taking our discount monthly option intstead. You should also be aware of the cross sale on the join page when you sign up. This can be found on the top right of the join page, and will get you a trial at one of their partner sites, but it also rebills at a high rate after the trial expires. Just be sure to uncheck the Special offer before completing the transaction if you don't want to take the special offer. 

If you do decide that you would like to try the Casting Couch X trial, here are the easy to follow steps to get you signed up:

1- Click this link and you will be taken to the tour page of Casting Couch X.

2- Once on the join page, click on the Green "Join Now" button at the top right of the page. (Refer to the below image)

3- Here you will fill out a Username, Password and your email address. Then choose the Trial option on the right of the page, then click on the "Sign Me Up" button. This will take you to the billing page. 

4- Here you will fill out your credit card details before clicking the start membership button located at the bottom of the page. Be sure to uncheck the cross sale if you don't want to take that offer. Once this step is complete you will be a member of Casting Couch X. Just login with your credentials and your on your way!

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