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How to cancel a Reality Kings Subscription: Reality Kings is one of the top adult networks. It's more than just one site and contains nearly 40 varied hardcore titles including Teens Love Huge Cocks, Big Naturals and the classy lesbian site, We Live Together. With a standard monthly sign-up price, no wonder it's such a popular choice for folks looking for some high-class porn with low-cost membership, but the question is, How do you cancel a Reality Kings membership? Actually, the question is, why would you want to? But, accepting that not everyone wants to stay around forever, here's the process.

Steps to Cancel your Reality Kings Membership:

The process is quite simple to cancel your membership. You can cancel your subscription manually yourself on the Reality Kings Cancellation page Here you can choose to cancel via phone, chat or by filling out their online cancellation form (which takes up to 3 days to process).

If you would rather speak to someone first to get it all clear in your mind you should visit the Reality Kings Support page. This link takes you to the support page where you will find the number for a 24/7 support call centre (toll-free for some countries), another number if you are from Europe or elsewhere and a live online Skype chat facility. Speak to someone there, and they will be able to help you with the process of cancelling your subscription.

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Sites Like Reality Kings

What if you've seen Reality Kings already? What else is available in a similar style of content? Well, here are a few ideas for other networks that offer similar variety and value. Read More »

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